Monday, April 2, 2007

It has begun

I have thrown my hat over the fence and signed up to be a participant in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. The walk is a two-day event where the participants will live in tents, shower in trailers, and end up walking a total of 39.3 miles (26.2 the first day, a marathon, and 13.1 on the second day). The first purpose of the walk is to raise awareness for breast cancer. There is nothing like thousands of people in pink shirts parading around town to have people asking, "what's up?". It's other purpose is to raise money for breast cancer research, treatment, and care. A lot of money. In order for anyone to participate in the walk, they must raise at least $1800 for the Avon Foundation. With 8 walks scheduled this year in cities across the country and each walk hosting thousands of participants, the Avon Foundation is making a significant contribution to the fight against breast cancer.

I have created this blog to share with you my experiences related to the walk and to open up a forum for communication on the subject. If you have a story you would like to share, please feel free to post a comment. If you want to contact me, please do via email. If you have come to donate you will find a button on the sidebar for that. Thank you for your interest and remember that I can't do this without your help!


Anonymous said...

This is a great thing you are doing, Chris. I hope you exceed you goal and will support you all I can. Love, Dad

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful gift for my last day of chemo treatment. Finding a cure will not only help me but all the other women with breast cancer. Thank-you. Love Mom